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Amsterdam West Dental Implants: iSmile

Implant surgery offers a practical and long-term solution for the loss of a tooth or molar. An artificial root replaces the absent tooth root, after which a bridge, crown, or snap-in denture is placed on top of the titanium root to replace the tooth or molar. We work with top brands such as Astra and Straumann to ensure optimum results. Not satisfied with your crown? We’ll make a new one for you, free of charge. Our expert implant surgeon will work according to a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Patients report a relaxed atmosphere at our practice and rate our staff a 9,1. on Zorgkaart Nederland.


‘I'm really satisfied! What beautiful work Leena does. I feel really calm in the chair. I've never had such a skilled dentist before. I have had my front teeth crowned. I finally returned to my smile, which I had lost for years because I was very anxious. Leena calms me and always listens to me.’ – Mohamed Santhemum

Leena Ibrahim

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Contact and address

iSmile Dental Practice
Hoofdweg 576
1055 AB Amsterdam-West
View Google Maps

T: 020 218 4257

A dental implant is an artificial root made of titanium, placed in the jaw as a safe and permanent replacement for the tooth’s root. A crown, bridge, or dentures can be placed on top of the implant. Dental implants are a good solution for:

  • Replacement of a tooth with the help of a crown
  • Replacement of several teeth with a fixed bridge
  • Replacement of the whole denture with a full bridge or snap-in dentures

Is it always possible to place an implant?

An implant can only be placed when the jawbone is fully grown. This is usually the case around the 18th year of life. In addition, you must meet the following requirements:

  • There is enough jawbone in the jaw
  • The gums and jawbone are healthy

The above components are checked by means of a mouth inspection and an overview photo. If there is not enough jawbone present, the implantologist may choose to place new artificial bone in the missing areas.

How is an implant placed?

We go through the treatment process step-by-step to ensure you are well prepared for treatment. The implant surgeon will also explain and discuss the treatment as they perform it. If anything is unclear, please feel free to contact our dental practice in Amsterdam-West. Our staff will be happy to help you.

Step 1: Consultation appointment

A check-up is performed before placing a dental implant. This is done by means of an oral examination and an x-ray showing the lower and upper jaw, in order to see the position of roots and confirm there is enough jawbone present. Your oral health will also be checked, and any potential problems discussed. The implant surgeon will then draw up a tailored treatment plan, including an estimation of fees so you won’t face any unexpected costs.

Step 2: Placing the implant

The implant surgeon places the implant in the jawbone under local or light anaesthesia. After making a small incision in the gums, the surgeon drills a hole in the jawbone and screws in the artificial titanium root. The surgeon then attaches the implant with soluble sutures.

Step 3: Recovery period

In order to ensure that the implant grows securely in the jawbone, the recovery period - also called the healing phase – lasts approximately six to twelve weeks. During this rest period, an emergency crown, bridge, or snap-in denture is placed on the implant. This allows you to gradually get used to the filled 'hole' in your mouth.

Step 4: Placing the crown, bridge or snap-in dentures

When the implant has grown firmly inside the jawbone, the surgeon reopens the gums with a small incision and replaces the emergency prosthesis with a permanent crown, bridge, or snap-in denture. These prostheses are made to measure in the dental laboratory. You may eat and drink immediately after placing the crown, bridge, or snap-in dentures. However, your teeth may be sensitive after treatment.

Step 5: Aftercare

When the permanent prosthesis is inserted, we will schedule a check-up appointment. Depending on the type of prosthesis, this appointment takes place after three, six, or eleven months. During the check-up, your mouth will be thoroughly examined, and a new x-ray will be taken.

Make an appointment

When the permanent prosthesis is inserted, we schedule an inspection appointment. Depending on the type of prosthesis, this appointment takes place after three, six or eleven months. During the check, a new overview picture is taken and the mouth is checked extensively.

Benefits of implants at iSmile Tandartspraktijk in Amsterdam

  • Specialized dentists
  • Painless treatment
  • Possibility to use nitrous oxide sedation
  • We work with Astra en Straumann

Implant costs

The costs surrounding the placement of implants are determined annually by the Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit. For the most current prices we would like to refer you to our rate overview. You can find the costs under the code J in the pdf.

Reimbursement by the health insurance company

An implant, crown or bridge is not covered by the basic insurance, even if you are younger than 18 years. A click denture, on the other hand, is covered by the basic insurance. In order to be eligible for a (full) reimbursement of an implant, crown or bridge, you should take out a supplementary dental insurance policy. Ask your health insurer if your implantology treatment will be reimbursed.

Frequently asked questions about dental implants

Because we often receive the same questions about implantology, we have answered the most frequently asked questions below for you. Is your question not listed? Please contact us, so that we can still answer it.

How long will implants last?

Implants are made of a very strong material and therefore will last a lifetime. However, we always recommend good oral health. This means brushing your teeth twice a day and visiting us regularly for a periodic checkup.

What is the difference between implants and crowns or bridges?

We use implants to fill empty spaces in the teeth when teeth and/or molars are missing. An implant serves as an artificial root in the jawbone and feels natural. Crowns and bridges we use to repair damaged or broken teeth and/or molars. Before we can place the crowns and bridges, it is necessary to grind the existing teeth and/or molars.

Are the implants painful?

No, having implants placed is not painful. Before we start the treatment, we provide a local anesthetic. To prevent pain after the treatment we recommend taking paracetamol or ibuprofen.

How long does it take to place implants?

How long the treatment takes depends on several factors, namely the state of the jaw bone and the type of implant. How long the healing takes after the treatment depends on your own health.

Reimbursement by health insurance provider

Implants, crowns, and bridges are not covered by basic insurance, even if you are under 18 years of age. To qualify for (full) reimbursement of dental implant fees, you must take out supplementary dental insurance. Ask your insurance provider whether your implant treatment will be reimbursed.


Make an appointment for implants

Make an obligation-free appointment for implants in Amsterdam-West. Call the iSmile phone number or send an email to The Amsterdam-West dental practice’s opening hours are:

Monday:08.30 - 20.00
Tuesday:08.30 - 17.00
Wednesday:08.30 - 17.00
Thursday:08.30 - 17.00
Friday:08.30 - 17.00
Saturday:10.15 - 17.00

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